Charts & Records

Chart Description
Top Scorers The list of all times top scorers. Shows the players in the league (dead or alive) with most scored TD.
Top Hitters List of the league's most violent players. Shows the players, that have inflicted most casualties.
Top Killers The most lethal players, the players that have inflicted most kills over the time.
Top Throwers The players in the league that are noted for most successful completions.
Top MVPs Shows the players, who have received most MVPs.
Most Experienced Shows the players, who have earned most Star Player Points.
Hall of Fame Players that have made a special impression on the league.
Bounties List of active players with a price on their head (bounties below 20 kgp are not shown).
Streaks Who has most consecutive victories? - losses?
Memorable Matches Which matches hold the records of most TDs, most kills etc?.

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