Welcome to... Malmo Blood Bowl League
Välkommen till Malmös underbara Blood Bowl värld. Kom med och lira du också. Såväl erfarna spelare som nybörjare är lika välkomna. Vi kan också hjälpa till att skaka fram figurer åt den som vill prova på.
Framför dig på skärmen bevittnar du BBL, sidan som är vårt verktyg för att driva vår liga. Reglerna är enligt senaste versionen från GW BB2020 Second Season med expansioner (och vissa husregler såklart).
Kort sagt, skynda in och registrera dig, leta rätt på ditt favoritlag, hitta dina bästa tärningar och börja ditt nya 'Blood Bowl Liv' - för här i Malmö med omnejd finns det alltid någon att spela detta fantastiska brädspel med. Oavsett om det är en stenhård kamp i en tävlingsmatch eller bara en soft och chill vänskapsmatch! Cheers!!!
Kontakta oss: malmo.bbl@gmail.com
Kommish för ligan: Lowkey, Khy, Bobo, Afroman, och chgadd BBL Wizz: Stashman
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News |
Feb. 3rd, 2025 |
Go Teams Go! Yikes, we survived! Bob and I had a strange day here in Genaina, when all of a sudden we were forced away by the mad crowds. Yes, it was completely crazy Jim, but Genaina's sheriff Cherry Cheappunch and her deputies did a god job cleaning up the streets and she promise that all fourthcoming games will be settled on the field. So all the "teams" who practiced a little spontaneous Gutterbowl have left. - You said the fields Bob, well both the Major and the Cup are played underground, not so much of a field, and the Dungeon League is also played in a closed Dungeon Lair but with full cabalvision feed. The cup is played in more spontaneous underground caves but with space for spectators. And how was it Helga? The Temple League is played in nearby temples a bit away into the glorious jungle of Lustria! - Well, that's true, but strangely enough, no Amazon or Lizerdman teams line up in the tournament they're content to watch. Oh and now I hear that the draw is finished and the season can begin. Or nah... wait, what it seems as a Cabalvison feed already started broadcasting. -Yes, now we're talking! Let the heads roll and the walls of the Dungeons be painted red with blood and gore. I'm Bob Bifford and with me I have Jim and Helga. And we wish you all you fans, coaches and players: - Happy Hunting! |
- chgadd |
Jan. 26th, 2025 |
The streets of Genaina! - Hello sportfans this is Bob Bifford reporting from the streets of Genaina, the Amazon city that´s hosting this years Temple League. And its crazy!!! - I´ve lost Jim, he is somewhere in this crowd in this square but i cant seem to see him. It looks like some Ogres are in a fight with a band of Orcs, and everybody just screaming. Wait! Is that Orc holding a Ball? It looks like it. Yeezzz, It seems like were having some Gutterbowl in the making!
- Hrmm can somone hear me, Jim Johnson reporting for Spike Magazine in Lustria. I´m in Genaina city in some of the Marketplaces and it seems like people is gathering for something. Hey!Whatch yourself! I nearly got run over by a Lizardman... And whats that is it a Chaoswarrior. Somethings going down over here. O it`s a local Gutterbowl match. -Where is Jim? He would love this!
Lets see how this play out, will there bee any survivors. This is Jim Johnson reporting from the streets of Genaina!
Now where is that big nutball? -BOB!....- BOB! |
- chgadd |
Jan. 24th, 2025 |
It´s about to go Crazy!!! - Wake up BloodSport fans!
- Coming to a Cabalvision sphere nere you!
- Season eight! How does it feel Bob?
-Hard to say Jim, I liked the wonderfully weird forest cup in Fey Forest. But haven't been a fan of the cold in Ice-bowl. So hit me whats up!
- But Bob, you will love this year's leagues. Either you take a trip to the beautiful jungle of Lustria or down into the warm underground. Malmö BloodBowl cares and thinks about its participants and fans. This year's cup is placed in darkness in The UNDERWORLD. Free from cold and snow!
- Beautiful Jim, it feels like it could be something very special this year. But the cup is a bit of a craze this year too, isn't it? Mutations and other delightful mischief!
- That's right Bob, some who visit the underworld are never the same again.
- HEY, what are you goys doing, this league is followed by Malmö Bloodsports magazine and reported by me, Helga Hellfist!
- Take it easy Helga, Jim and I have opened our eyes to MBBL and your league and want nothing more than to show our appreciation!
- Okay. i get it Bob and what was your name again Jeff?, but have you told us about Malmö's cool MAJOR: DUNGEON LEAGUE. A Dungeonbowl variant in halls instead of narrow corridors. Still hard floors and walls, for that lovely extra punch in the bangs.
- Funny but it´s J I M....Jim, And that sounds incredibly cool Helga! Me and Bob will happily follow the MBBL this season, like the sweet toping on a cake!
- Don't get too comfortable in the role, gentlemen, Malmö Bloodsport has their eyes on you.
- Ok, but now we say! - Pack your bags, tie your shoes and polish your Knuckle Irons because now we're going!
- Yes box, rool the dice and let´s splash some blood!
- Good hunting!
This is Helga Hellfist and some goofs reporting for Malmö Bloodsports Magazine! |
- chgadd |
Jan. 23rd, 2025 |
Season 8 Ni har inte missat? Dags att anmäla sig för kommande säsong. |
- chgadd |
Jan. 16th, 2025 |
Age of Vampires....or the story of seson 7 Once again, the vampires in Eternal Arrghs have taken a title! Not just one, but they've made it through two tournaments without any issues whatsoever! Only High Ground Hitters managed to temporarily stop this well-oiled machine during the season, but it didn't help much. In the playoffs, they went straight for the gold. Nicely done and congrats!
The Malmö Blood Bowl League now has a new fan favorite. Jean Fleury has been at the top of the scoring list throughout the season and it was no wonder that SPIKE gave him the award for best player.
Ice cold Haflings In the minor it was a final between Tatooines United and Lustria Lightnings. An even story where a ball bounce decided. Vago II managed to break free and leave a cluster of giddy Amazons. The Amasons made a run for a blitz in the final turn, but the Blitz failed. And with that, the finale was done! Congratulations Tatooines United and Eternal Arrghs
Now we eagerly await what season 8 has to offer. At the time of writing, the commission has not made any decisions about which competitions there will be. But it is still possible to place the teams in season 8. The rules for the coming season will be presented on the January 26th.
The only one Helga Hellfist
(And NO i´m not dating Bob Bifford, that´s only rumors.) |
- chgadd |